How to Slow Down When You Don't Want To [hyperlapse video]

Photo by Milan De Clercq on Unsplash If you're a teacher, a barista at a morning cafe, or Mark Wahlberg, you're probably an early riser. I typically wake up earlier than my spouse on the weekends, sometimes as early as 6 am. That's the teacher life for you. I would mosey along, maybe do some transcription work, maybe look for a website to test, or just browse for hours on end until noon when I would start my "work". I would feel halfway accomplished with my mornings. Then I stumbled upon a blog post about morning pages. One of the many blogs I follow, LittleCoffeeFox, wrote about how morning pages (from Julia Cameron's, The Artist's Way ") helped structure her mornings more efficiently. Another inspiration came from a podcast episode of Better Leaders, Better Schools ( where Daniel Bauer, my newfound mentor, interviewed the founder of Can Do You who discussed his mor...