
Showing posts from June, 2020

Free Downloadable Yoga Sequence Planner: Hassle-Free Way to Plan Personalized Yoga Sequences for You or Your Students

WELCOME Are you a new and developing yoga instructor? Or maybe you've decided to get serious about your yoga practice? Looking for a hassle-free way to plan and personalize meaningful yoga sequences for you or your students? Get organized to do more of the things you love.  Bring meaning to your students' yoga mats using this free, downloadable yoga sequence planner: available with  lines  and with  blank columns .  Iyengar said it best: Stoke the fire. Fuel the curiosity. Ignite the flame within.  BENEFITS OF A PERSONALIZED YOGA PRACTICE invest in your yoga practice:  Personalizing your yoga poses to suit your specific needs or your students’ needs fosters a sense of connection to the practice. This ensures your return to the mat.  Returning to the mat should be every yoga instructor’s wish for their students. Hearing cues that are thoughtfully matched to your body’s abilities and personal yoga goals will make you feel…well, like a star!  ...