Save the World, Money, and Energy: Kaizen Tips for Your Laundry Routine

*drum roll* Get ready toooo….hang dry!!! A super strange topic to blog about, but I wanted to write about my new kaizen habit of air drying my laundry. The level of my excitement of using a drying rack and stainless steel hangers for the first time for the rest of my life (or so I sincerely hope) was unreal. I know. It’s weird to feel giddy about using these, but I was so ready to extend my sustainable lifestyle from the kitchen to the laundry room. Being more sustainable seems to be synonymous with doing manual labor apparently! HEAT: BAD FOR PLASTIC, HAIR, & CLOTHES We all heard at some point that heat shrinks our clothes, as well as drives up the gas and electric bill. I also live in an apartment complex so sharing washer and dryer machines with other residents isn’t ideal, however, it’s much better than having to go to a laundromat. If your machine is like mine, you’re limited on options. You can’t select the drying time, the temperature at which to dry,...