how babka bread teaches you determination

Sometimes, when the craving strikes, it strikes hard. That's right - I got a silpat mat. We fancy over here. Kapara woke up one morning and proclaimed that he would punch an old lady if he could have babka bread right then and there. Since babka bread did not magically appeared before us, an old lady somewhere was safe for the time being. I lamented that I was too lazy to bake...this was partially true. I needed to mentally prepare myself for such a task. Be the dough, be one with the dough. Trust the process... Ugh, so supple beneath my fingertips... In kneading the dough, I learned I needed to trust the dough. In finding the right balance between water and flour, I found more of myself. Trust your instincts my gut tells me. Don't let anything or anyone else tell you if it's ready or not. At one point, I wondered whether I was kneading babka bread or kneading an aspect of myself toward something better. Obvs, it was the latter! Life is met...