Thankful Thursday: BV
Dear bacterial vaginosis,
You started as a pain in my hoo-ha. I changed my entire life to accommodate you, or actually, to un-accommodate you. You are as stubborn as a Taurus and kept returning (have you ever debated with a Taurus?). Was it any coincidence that you returned after having sex with my husband? Or the day before and after my menstrual flow?
I do not miss your fishy odor, or the itchiness that came sometimes. My self-esteem plummeted. I no longer felt sexual or even sexy. I began to feel shame towards my vagina, and that was a big mistake.
It took me 2.5 years to embrace you BV.
It took me 29 years to embrace my present body.
You serve as a constant reminder that my body is human, and that it's full of weird, inexplicable scientific wonders. You taught me that wellness was the key to embracing you.
It was because of you that I dived deeper into the fleshy wonders that is this vaginal microbiome. Because of you, I analyzed my diet and how it impacted my body. I refrained from consuming dairy products (also because acne), too much sugar, and I even stopped drinking alcohol. That's a big change from a few years ago where I was finishing a LITER of red wine every three days alone.
It was because of you that I dived deeper into the fleshy wonders that is this vaginal microbiome. Because of you, I analyzed my diet and how it impacted my body. I refrained from consuming dairy products (also because acne), too much sugar, and I even stopped drinking alcohol. That's a big change from a few years ago where I was finishing a LITER of red wine every three days alone.
You still return when Aunt Flo is in town, and the day after intercourse, of course. It's different now.
Now I anticipate your visit.
Now I anticipate your visit.
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Photo by Andy Chilton on Unsplash |
After years of trials and errors, of shoving raw garlic up the wazoo (yes, I've found some strange band-aid solutions), I've settled on a routine that works for me.
I start my mornings with an ACV drink (1 tbs ACV+ 1 tbs raw honey with a full cup of filtered water) to assist with my gut health. I try to eat fruit as my first meal or at least once a day. I've sworn off Hot Cheetos and its related fiery delicious family members. I insert boric acid pills the day after I finish my period, and also for three days after I have sex.
I start my mornings with an ACV drink (1 tbs ACV+ 1 tbs raw honey with a full cup of filtered water) to assist with my gut health. I try to eat fruit as my first meal or at least once a day. I've sworn off Hot Cheetos and its related fiery delicious family members. I insert boric acid pills the day after I finish my period, and also for three days after I have sex.
Upon my decision to embrace you, I started to feel more "like myself." Or rather, a new and improved me. I rose up to the challenge instead of wallowing in self-pity. I acknowledged your presence and even give gratitude, instead of wishing you away.
You see, I've woken up to living a consistently healthy life that I wouldn't have otherwise without you. So, the first Thankful Thursday edition is dedicated to you: bacterial vaginosis.
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Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash |
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Thankful Thursday is a series of letters acknowledging and giving gratitude to people, places, events, objects, things....the list is endless! Nothing in life is a mistake - everything is a lesson. So, this series is appreciating the lessons that I've learned, because I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.
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