
Showing posts from August, 2019

Feature Friday: change your thoughts, gain control of your body pain

WHAT'S THE PROB BOB? Lower back pain bothering you? Or maybe your neck is cramping and stiff? Your shoulders feel like they're on fire? Your pillow isn't doing it for you anymore. Your quality of sleep is lacking, which impacts how you go about your day. It impacts how you show up for yourself and for others. Your body aches and yearns for a solution, but maybe you don't believe in the culture of Western medicine, of downing prescription and painkillers, and you're left wondering why this pain won't go away. Or maybe you don't have the financial means or the luxury of time right now to visit a doctor.  Or maybe, just maybe, you've embarked on a natural journey and would prefer a natural way to heal your body without succumbing it to harsh conditions. What if I told you there's something you can do that doesn't cost money, but it is definitely an investment on your part? THE BOOK THAT STARTED IT ALL Did you ever have a...

Thankful Thursday: BV

Dear bacterial vaginosis, You started as a pain in my hoo-ha. I changed my entire life to accommodate you, or actually, to un-accommodate you. You are as stubborn as a Taurus and kept returning (have you ever debated with a Taurus?). Was it any coincidence that you returned after having sex with my husband? Or the day before and after my menstrual flow?  BV AS A CATALYST FOR CHANGE I do not miss your fishy odor, or the itchiness that came sometimes. My self-esteem plummeted. I no longer felt sexual or even sexy. I began to feel shame towards my vagina, and that was a big mistake.  It took me 2.5 years to embrace you BV. It took me 29 years to embrace my present body. You serve as a constant reminder that my body is human, and that it's full of weird, inexplicable scientific wonders. You taught me that wellness was the key to embracing you. It was because of you that I dived deeper into the fleshy wonders that is this vaginal microbiome. Because of y...

Ode to the Household Vinegar

Photo by  Daiga Ellaby  on  Unsplash "Ode to Household Vinegar" nose scrunched up at the slightest whiff air rushing out the nostrils to expel the smell eyes tearing angrily as if someone waved freshly cut onions it seems someone had opened a bottle of household vinegar. oh household vinegar, you've been taken for granted your pungent odor deters many people from using it they faint and gasp, holler and shudder  but little did they know just how versatile you are. that when diluted with water, you become an unstoppable force against stains, odors, grime, scum, and maybe even Thanos you de-mineralized and cleaned my electric water heater,  you deodorized and de-stained my stainless steel coffee mugs. putting the mixture in a spray bottle?  now we're getting somewhere and the tingling won't stop  use me, spray me on your walls and surface areas,  baby, even windows- spray them a...

understanding your pain-body to remove limiting beliefs

You are not your emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are not your actions. What are you, then? Who are you, then? DOWN MEMORY LANE I remember maybe a year ago, I had a conversation with my younger sister about religion and spirituality. I'd always considered myself agnostic and so, I didn't identify with any particular religion. I don't know a lot about the differences even though I took a college-level course about world religions. My limited mind at the time wasn't ready to explore religion and spirituality. However, I found myself feeling drawn to spiritual literature as I became more engrossed with yoga. I wanted to know more. And yet, with everything I read, I seem to know less. AN ACT OF KINDESS I recently picked up A New Earth  from a kind stranger's home. I was already thinking about the ego and how it impacts our daily lives thanks to having finished  The Anatomy of the Spirit  by Caroline Myss, so when A New Earth  happened upon me,...