Feature Friday: Plastic-Free by Beth Terry

Red pill or blue pill- which would you choose? The ultimate Matrix question. To free your mind or to live in blissful ignorance? Reading this book is like taking the red pill. It's going to wake you up. It's going to change your life. That's my hope for you. I hope you become more conscious about...everything really. Forget the blue pill. Give me the red pill anytime. It's a tough (red) pill to swallow, but it's so necessary for change. Beth Terry's writing made me feel like she was sitting right next to me, having a casual yet energetic conversation about how plastic affects our lives. She made me laugh, cringe (the facts about plastics, not her), and most importantly, she made me feel hopeful. Hopeful that individuals awake slowly and form a collective healing for our planet. It's happening don't you know? Come join me, and Beth Terry, and Colin Beavan, and thousands of others who are awakening to the plastic pollution that endangers all specie...