
Showing posts from September, 2019

Feature Friday: Plastic-Free by Beth Terry

Red pill or blue pill- which would you choose? The ultimate Matrix question. To free your mind or to live in blissful ignorance? Reading this book is like taking the red pill. It's going to wake you up. It's going to change your life. That's my hope for you. I hope you become more conscious about...everything really. Forget the blue pill. Give me the red pill anytime. It's a tough (red) pill to swallow, but it's so necessary for change. Beth Terry's writing made me feel like she was sitting right next to me, having a casual yet energetic conversation about how plastic affects our lives. She made me laugh, cringe (the facts about plastics, not her), and most importantly, she made me feel hopeful. Hopeful that individuals awake slowly and form a collective healing for our planet. It's happening don't you know? Come join me, and Beth Terry, and Colin Beavan, and thousands of others who are awakening to the plastic pollution that endangers all specie...

WIPMND: Day 5 Mindfulness Consumption

Have you noticed yet how plastic is everywhere? Take a few seconds here and mindfully observe your surroundings. What's made of plastic or has tiny plastic parts or came in plastic packaging? Go ahead and count them in your head. I'll wait until you come back. What does mindfulness have to do with plastics?  Welcome back! What'd you tally up? What sensations or emotions are you feeling, if any? Reading Plastic-Free has made me more mindful of my plastic surroundings and the things I consume. Plastic is everywhere, and it's pretty overwhelming once you start noticing (read: being more mindful). Mindfulness can be applied to anything and everything. It's the practice of bringing awareness to the present moment and observing it objectively. The mind's full of whatever's currently happening in front of you, either emotions or events. Mindfulness can be used in all aspects of your life i.e., mindfulness meditation, mindfulness eating, mindfulness movement...

Thankful Thursday: Grandma (Gigi)

Gigi is my niece's name for my grandmother (her great-grandmother). In Vietnamese, she's my bĆ  ngoįŗ”i. Mother of my mother. I'll keep this short and simple. Maybe I'm feeling super sentimental because I had lunch with my grandma and one of her sisters today, and their friend. I would like to dedicate this edition to Diana. How cute is she?  Light, patterned blouses with neck collars and 3/4 sleeves Khaki pants and camel-brown open-toed shoes We've swapped shoes before My cheeks burnt slightly wearing padded shoes at a museum Man, do I not look cool. You eyed me curiously, but I wore them anyway. You're my bĆ  ngoįŗ”i after all. Petite. Resilient. Hair is always done curled. I remember when my sister-in-law came to visit and you rushed to get your hair presentable. You enjoy the small things in life, Korean dramas day and night. Raw vegetables and herbal tea. I enjoy our weekly meet and eat. With you, with your sister, Who reminds me of my ...

What is Plastic May Never Die: Day 4 (How to Start a Citizen Action Campaign)

Last post in the series, I talked about the health and socioeconomic implications of plastic. It was a little doom and gloom, right? HOW TO START A CITIZEN ACTION CAMPAIGN Let's talk about empowering ourselves as activists this time. Do you have an issue that you care about, or something in your life or community that you want to change? Are you unsure or maybe paralyzed on how to start?  Beth Terry provides an outline for her readers who want to inspire change (spoiler alert: it requires a lot of effort and time, but Beth and I and other like-minded individuals believe in you!). I've created an infographic from her book (pages 120-125) on how to start a citizen action campaign for an issue you care about. Remember to pin now so that you have it for when you're ready to start your own campaign, or join another that you care about. Day 4's Plastic Inventory: Trader Joe's coconut milk carton 3 pet waste bags English cucumber wrapper Plus the uze  (u...

Feature Friday: Simple Ayurveda Podcast

Do you believe you were put here on earth for one reason, and one reason only? And it's to do what you're doing right now? How would you feel? FEATURE FRIDAY: THE SIMPLE AYURVEDA PODCAST What does ayurveda have to do with life's purpose?  Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga. A harmonious duo. It's about being present and awareness of your biological reactions to your surroundings and what you're consuming. It's a constant dance of living a balanced and holistic life. Angela Perger's guide to ayurveda Angela Perger is the person behind the mic of this podcast. Her idea to simplify ancient science in relatable and applicable terms is what drew me in. I've listened to a couple episodes so far, but the most recent one really struck me. It was about finding your dharma. What's dharma?  Your dharma has to do with your purpose in life. It was a Q&A session, about how Angela understands her dharma. She says your dharma doesn...

What is Plastic May Never Die: Day 3 (Facts about Plastics)

GoT Fan? Why this sudden interest in plastic, you ask? Once you learn about the impacts and lifespan of plastic, you can't help but look at everything around you. I mean, really look. From the laptop that I'm typing on, to my testy fridge with plastic parts that I'm trying to fix so we don't have to throw it away and get a new one, to the sippy lid of a reusable bottle, even to the toggle pincher for my hiking shoes. But...what IS plastic? And why DOESN'T it biograde? Doesn't it come from fossil fuels which are natural resources? FACTS ABOUT PLASTIC Valid questions!! Beth Terry gives in-depth history and evolution of plastic that I've summed up below. Facts about Plastics from Beth Terry's Plastic-Free If you're still skeptical about the influences of plastic, consider reading more about the toxic chemicals that are found in the plastics that surround us. I worry about my little niece who's only two and a half. What kind of world i...

Ode to Chopsticks

Raw chopsticks by Kyaw Naing on Ode to Chopsticks Đũa. Hashi. ZhĆ¹. All words to mean chopsticks. Slow it down, piece by piece, bite by bite Savor every moment, savor every flavor Manuevering these batons work our hand-eye coordination Exercising our brain and training our fingers to be nimble To grab a single grain of rice is akin to having a superpower That comes with wielding these double wands effortlessly China by origin from the days before Confucius, Where the spoon was hailed king at the dinner table Then fork and knife seen as violent - they separate, mutilate, cut Whereas chopsticks graciously poke, prod, unravel, and peel They cradle our fresh xiao long baos and xiu mais They lift our hefty noodles nestled in 12-hour simmered broth They help us flip crispy chicken wings in the air fryer And dip brisket and rice sheets in a sea salt and sesame oil blend A harmonious duo created from the basic roots of earth, To engraved and decorated fo...

What is Plastic May Never Die: Day 2 (Plastic-free at Social Gatherings)

Parties and gatherings are in abundance, and celebration and joy is in the air. The summer signs are out and about with their loved ones as they finish another trip around the sun. Smoky corn on the cob, grilled shish kabobs, and iced fruit-of-the-month coolers are synonymous with summers, and Labor Day weekend is no different. It's generally the final huzzah before summer ends and school begins in SoCal. As you contemplate how much of your life can be plastic-free, you might be wondering what else you can reduce or eliminate in your home and daily life. But what happens when you attend a party, a BBQ, a music festival? WYOD: WASH YOUR OWN DISHES?  The caveat that comes with throwing parties is the amount of plateware you'd have to get for your guests. Plates, bowls, cups, and utensils are a few non-negotiables at a BBQ, especially one with this menu (below). I was conflicted because a) I felt uncomfortable buying so much plasticware (I was at Costco where the minimum...

What is Plastic May Never Die: Day 1 of the Plastic Truth

WHAT'S THIS PLASTIC-FREE MOVEMENT? I'm one of those people who have a lot of ideas and projects they want to do but somehow, only 70% of them actually get seen to the end. The other 30% gets to see a project or a challenge completed or accomplished. My current endeavor is to collect all the plastic I use in a normal week. I invite you to join me! Either by collecting your plastic waste in a week and then analyzing its contents to make objective observations about your consumerism habits, or checking back on the blog to see how my journey is going (tip: you can subscribe at the top!) WHY COLLECT PLASTIC? borrow a copy from your local lib! Maybe like you, I think I'm doing okay refusing the use of plastics, but one can always do more. My sister lent me  Plastic-Free  by Beth Terry, and I was piqued by one of her challenges. To collect your plastic waste for one week and analyze them for any trends or patterns. Also looking to see whether a specific purchase was ...

Feature Friday: A New Earth

A New Earth... how can this be summed up? To sum it up would be to rob you of the joy and pleasure...but mostly confusion, were you to read it on your own. Which way to go? Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, is (was) back at it again with this guide on how to live on this new earth. This was published in October 2005 so coming up on 14 years now. I remember working at the bookstore when both titles were on the New York Times Bestsellers. I'd always wanted to read it, but you know how it is. There's a time for everything. In retrospect, I realize its message would've been lost in translation, because I hadn't begun my journey into "spirituality". I'm only quoting this because I'm hesitant to say that I'm spiritual. I'm not sure why. I'll need to think on this a bit. **update from only few minutes ago: I was reading Oprah's review on her 61st book club selection, and felt like sharing what she wrote about spirituality....

DIY: distilled white vinegar uses

"Vinegar belongs in the hands of the wise." - said someone some time ago Today's edition of DIY highlights our good old friend, distilled white vinegar, and how incorporating it into my home has given me peace of mind (and piece of wallet!). If you're suspicious of all those multi-purpose sprays with a gazillion ingredients that you don't recognize (much less pronounce), and want to learn how to keep a natural home, then you're in the right place! WHY USE DISTILLED WHITE VINEGAR? Vinegar is derived from wine (in French,  vin  = wine,  aigre  = sour). Its versatility ranges from culinary pursuits like pickling and salad dressings, to household uses e.g., multi-purpose cleaner and trapping fruit flies, even dipping into the greenery realm and being used as a weed killer. There's just SOO much to know about the underdog that is vinegar. Check out  Wormerley's Page  for a brief read on its history. If you find yourself hunting for a new book, co...